Team Stinkeroos & The Shitbox Rally!
27-Mar-2011 - Done and done...
It's over! We have made it to sunny Darwin after a week in the Aussie outback.
We faced long hard days on dirt roads and river crossings which caught us out a
couple of times. The whole trip was caught on time lapse and below are the
videos, plus some pics we took along the way.
Sh!t Happens
19-Mar-2011 - It's time...
Whoa, apparently it's that time already! The last dew weeks have flown by but tonight is the night Mitch and Thiago leave the comfort of our homes and our loving ladies to start this epic journey. First up is the short stint to Byrons where we will hopefully get a couple hours of sleep in before the next big one day stint all the way to Brissy. Will be a good test for Stinky Flyer (our car) to see how she holds up, but we reckon she has it in her plus more... -
19-Mar-2011 - Warm Fuzzies
Just a quick note to say that sometimes it's nice to find a good bunch of people. Mitch was at a training course all week and was fortunate enough to be part of a group that generously donated over $140 to the cause. Feels good man! -
15-Mar-2011 - Car update
OH YEAH BABY! The car is coming together nicely. Spent a few hours with a spray gun and some fools today to get the outside up to scratch. Looks like a different car altogether! Jury is out on whether it's for the better or worse? Make up your own minds ;) Got a before and after shot of the beast, in fact we have a full timelapse of it but haven't got the time to put it together yet. Might have something to do with the breaking of the spray gun just after we started which put us back an hour or so. Oh well, sh!t happens, and more often then not when we are involved :)
14-Mar-2011 - Raffle Draw
The awesome and elite Stinkeroos raffle has come to a close and the winners drawn. We will be contacting them over the next couple of days to confirm details and will post them up when done. Should be a couple of happy people out there shortly :) -
13-Mar-2011 - Car update
Alrighty then. The painting has begun! Well a test paint at least and can't say the results are being well received with the finish not being so smooth. Looks like line marking paint may not be the best choice in the end but we cant dispute it's nice and bright. Next step, find an alternative and get to painting the rest of the beast.
10-Mar-2011 - Car update
Stinky Flyer has gone in for her routine checkup, nothing terminal we hope. Thankfully the fork-lift is heavier then the car otherwise this picture might look somewhat different (but infinitely more entertaining)... Next up is the rest of the paintwork to polish her off for the final trip, not long to go now before we start the test migration from Sydney to Brissy.
29-Apr-2011 - Thiago's Pushup challenge report
Man, that was pretty impressive. The T-man pulled out 38 push-ups out of his hat and managed to raise some more moolah for the cause. The video is below but seeing as all the people that attended had to donate or pledge, the same goes for you! If you check out the video and don't go right to the donation page and contribute then that bad karma will come back to bite you when you least expect it! -
28-Apr-2011 - Car update
So, we are getting closer to deciding a final design for the car. At least we have agreed on a few things so far, IT'S GONNA HAVE RACING SRIPES DAMMIT! The roof will be bright orange with our team name along it, and considering our logo is a kangaroo farting we will have a Qantas style rudder as well, inappropriate flare location included.
19-Apr-2011 - Trivia night
Had ourselves a little trivia night down at the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel. Fun night for all and we all learned something new. Like Harry Potter is NOT 31 years old and Sigmund Freud is NOT Colonel Sanders... Who knows, maybe we can fit another trivia night or two in before the epic journey begins.
12-Apr-2011 - We have a shitbox!
A 1987 Toyota Camry Wagon! Pretty solid ride. It's got character and we hear this rally pretty much fits in with the cars history. In the spirit of our team name we were might call her 'Stinky Flyer'. It's kinda crowded in the garage so she has a little 'protective covering' on her atm. Lets see if I can't improve on those pics before too long ;)
The Stinkeroos Raffle
Have you seen these awesome prizes! Ok, a few are awesome but the rest are still pretty dang sweet. There are a couple of dinners, a night in a hotel, a $100 gift card, board games, wine & cooler and more. To get the low down on all of the goodies click the icon for the full flyer. All up there's $1000+ worth of loot to collect, but ya gotta be in it to win it!
Let Byron, Mitch or Thiago know if you want to get your grubby mits on some tickets: Grab 3 for $10, or $5 a pop. If you dont know how to get hold of one of us try the contact us page.